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Ensign Details
10 boats have raced in the last 5 years. See which ones
Pearson’s 24 foot Ensign behaves like a big boat. It powers along with a huge Genoa jib, is seaworthy for long races and prowls, keeps a crew of three jumping with the spinnaker, but also serves as a comfortable picnic/family boat. Plus, being fiberglass, it requires little maintenance. It’s now the larger competitor of choice in the weekly regattas.
AKAPearson Ensign
Length22 ft. 6 in.
Rigmainsail, jib, spinnaker
Competition Winners
August SeriesA Person - 2023
July SeriesA Person - 2023
4th of July RaceA Person in A Boat - 2024
Babbidge BlasterA Person - 2023
Labor Day RaceA Person in A Boat - 2022
Lewis Ensign RegattaA Person in A Boat - 2024
Pulpit Harbor RaceA Person in A Boat - 2022
Round‑the‑Island RaceA Person - 2023
See full schedule & results
Recent Competitors (Post 2019)
Skippered Races
34 Skippers & Crew
A PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA PersonA Person
Current Fleet
These 10 boats have raced in the last 5 years. Those that have won a race are listed with a #1.A BoatA Boat#1A Boat#1A Boat#1A Boat#1A Boat#1A Boat#1A BoatA Boat#1A Boat#1
See every Ensign & owner on file
Race Participation
There are 206 races on file for the Ensign, of which the most recent 131 have increasingly complete data. The unique skipper numbers at left are fairly accurate from 2011 onwards; crew from 2013; and boats from 2014.
